Google — one of the most cutting-edge companies in the technology world has been investing a lot of time and effort in Apple’s iPhone — yet another one of the most cutting-edge companies and products in the world today.

It appears that Google has been doing a lot of research and development with regard to voice transcription technology. I am a huge fan of voice translation — notably since I am writing this blog using Dragon NaturallySpeaking to facilitate my writing abilities. I am always amazed at the progress of voice translation has experienced over the past five years.

Google has introduced quite a number of voice translation applications with regard to their popular online web search. One of their well-known services Google 411 allows you to call Google and ask for typical 411 directory information such as movie locations and showtimes.

It appears that Google has gone the extra mile with the iPhone. They’ve created an application for the iPhone wherein you just say what you want in the iPhone browser returns the Google results just as if you type them in the search bar. It’s quite impressive technology, and though I do not own an iPhone (that is another blog in and of itself) I would really be interested to see how useful this new app can be.

Check out for yourself in the following video by Google:

Or visit the this link.