Ever since the ServiceNow Store started to gain tracking in the ServiceNow ecosystem, the request to try out Store applications on Personal Developer Instances (PDI’s) was on everyone’s lips.  Until several months ago, this was not something that was possible.
Thanks to the wonderful engineers at ServiceNow, this is a reality.  However, the feature is not widely known yet, and it does involve some legwork and coordination with the Application vendor.
To install an application on a developer instance, you must reach out to the Vendor, preferably through the Store interface, and request that they entitle your Developer Instance to that specific app and application version.
Here is the process you will need to follow:
- [YOU] Provision a developer instance with the platform and any prerequisite plugins required by the store application
- [YOU] Reach out to the vendor to see if they would be open to entitling their application to your developer instance. You will need to share with them your developer instance name.
- [VENDOR] Logs into their TPP portal and navigates to: Distribute > Sales & Customers > Dev Instance Entitlement. They will then need to click the “Create New Entitlement” button. They will add the application scope for the application in question, the version they are entitling, and the instance information you provided.
- [YOU] Once you receive confirmation from the Vendor that they have granted you the entitlement, you will log into your Developer Instance and navigate to System Applications > All Available Applications > All. On the page that comes up, type in the name of the application in the search bar to see the results and to install the application.

Installing an entitlement from your Personal Developer Instance