Within the past year, ServiceNow released a new version of their Microsoft SCCM integration plugin. There are now two existing version available for ServiceNow customers. I created the following demo video to explain the differences between the two plugins, outline when you may choose one version over the other, and provided a small demo explaining how to set each plugin up within ServiceNow.
ServiceNow/SCCM Integration Demo Video
Disclaimer: During the creation of this tutorial video, I discovered some mistakes in the original ServiceNow documentation for the integration. The video may contains a few of those mistakes, but the wiki has since been corrected. Please watch the video for a good understanding of the plugin, but use the appropriate ServiceNow wiki pages as your guide when you do your actual set up.
Known Changes from the Demo
- “Use last run datetime” should be enabled for the “SCCM Computer Info” data source and NOT for the “SCCM Software” datasource. The original documentation (and hence this video) has it reversed.
Hi – Install date seems to be collected by the v3 integration but not populated into the SN date. How do I add this mapping? The way the mapping is performed is not clear to me
Hey I just went through this for a client…after this line:
sw[‘product_id’] = gr.u_prodid0 + ”;
add this code:
if (gr.u_installdate0 != ”) {
sw[‘install_date’] = gr.u_installdate0.slice(0, 4) + ‘-‘ + gr.u_installdate0.slice(4, 6) + ‘-‘ + gr.u_installdate0.slice(6, 8) + ‘ 12:00:00’;
we didn’t care about the time however since installDate is a GlideDateTime type, some HH:mm:ss is needed. HTH
sorry forgot the file name…this is in the script include –> SCCMSoftwareReconciler