I currently have a Palm Treo that I use for everything in my life. One of its many uses is to watch TV series while I exercise.

Of course, to be legal, I buy the DVD set of a TV series off of ebay or Amazon.com. Then comes the problem of ripping them to a format that my Palm will recognize.

I figured out how to do this and posted it earlier at How to Rip DVDs to the Palm for FREE. However, as I load a DVD and rip four to six episodes per DVD, it became time consuming – even with the Preset options that Handbrake provides.

To improve my ripping time, I dove into the Handbrake CLI and wrote the following batch file. NOTE: this file has settings for Palm Treo, but can be modified to any format you need:


echo Param #1: %1 should be the series name
echo Param #2: %2 should be the disk number
for /l %%i in (1,1,12) do hbcli -i J:VIDEO_TS -t %%i -o d:dataPalmVideos%1Disk#%2Title%%i.mp4 -e ffmpeg -E faac -w 320 -l 320 –crop 0:0:0:0 -b 240 -r 15 -B 48 -R 44.1 -6 stereo -v